• Blog Topic: Enter the main topic or niche for the blog. This helps guide the AI in generating relevant content.
  • Blog Goal: Define specific goals, rules, or guidelines for the blog posts. This ensures the generated content aligns with your objectives.
  • Stop Words: Specify words that should be ignored during content processing. Enter each word on a separate line.
  • Stop Words for External Links: List words that, if found in external links, should prevent those links from being included in the content. Enter each word on a separate line.
  • Conclusion Rules: Enter the rules for AI to follow when drawing conclusions. Example: Ensure conclusions include a call to action and follow logical reasoning.
  • Introduction Rules: Enter the rules for AI to follow when crafting introductions. Example: Start with a compelling hook, provide necessary background information, and state the main objective clearly.
  • Title Rules: Enter the rules for AI to follow when creating titles. Example: Make the title concise, informative, and attention-grabbing.
  • Enable Image Placeholders: Keep your readers engaged by adding image placeholders after H2 section, making it easy to insert visuals later.
  • Enable Categories: Organize your content by reusing existing categories or creating new ones that fit your blog’s structure.
  • Enable Tags: Save time by reusing existing tags or creating new ones to categorize your posts effectively.
  • Enable HR Tags After Each Section: Improve readability by adding horizontal lines to clearly separate sections within your posts. This works when Image Placeholders are deactivated.
  • Enable External Links: Automatically insert relevant external links to enhance your content’s value and SEO.
  • Enable Internal Links: Boost your site’s internal linking structure by automatically linking to related posts within your blog.
  • Enable Table of Contents: Enhance navigation with an automatically generated table of contents, helping readers quickly find the information they need.
  • Table of Contents CSS Class Name: Specify a CSS class to style the table of contents.
  • Table of Contents Title: Provide a title for the table of contents section.
  • User Roles: Manage who can see and edit your posts with visibility settings based on WordPress user roles, ensuring the right people have access.
  • Automatic Post Creation.